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Reconstruction with TomoPy

Here is an example of how to use the gridrec [B5] reconstruction algorithm with TomoPy [A1].

First install TomoPy.

import tomopy

Tomographic data input in TomoPy is supported by DXchange.

import dxchange

Matplotlib provides plotting of the result in this notebook. Paraview or other tools are available for more sophisticated 3D rendering.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Import and activate Python’s built in logging module if desired. It may print something helpful.

import logging

This data set file format follows the APS beamline 2-BM and 32-ID data-exchange definition. Other file format readers for other synchrotrons are also available with DXchange.

proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(
    sino=(0, 2),  # Select the sinogram range to reconstruct.
INFO:dxchange.reader:Data successfully imported: /home/dching/Documents/tomopy/source/tomopy/data/tooth.h5
INFO:dxchange.reader:Data successfully imported: /home/dching/Documents/tomopy/source/tomopy/data/tooth.h5
INFO:dxchange.reader:Data successfully imported: /home/dching/Documents/tomopy/source/tomopy/data/tooth.h5
INFO:dxchange.reader:Data successfully imported: /home/dching/Documents/tomopy/source/tomopy/data/tooth.h5

Plot the sinogram

plt.imshow(proj[:, 0, :])

If the angular information is not avaialable from the raw data you need to set the data collection angles. In this case, theta is set as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.

if theta is None:
    theta = tomopy.angles(proj.shape[0])

Perform the flat-field correction of raw data:

\[\frac{proj - dark} {flat - dark}\]
proj = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

Calculate $ -log(proj) $ to linearize transmission tomography data.

proj = tomopy.minus_log(proj)

Tomopy provides various methods ([B11], [B24], [B15]) to find the rotation center.

rot_center = tomopy.find_center(proj, theta, init=290, ind=0, tol=0.5)
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [290.]
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 2.014651
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [304.5]
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 2.076837
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [275.5]
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 2.259117
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [297.25]
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 1.920647
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [304.5]
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 2.076837
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [293.625]
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 1.939667
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [300.875]
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 1.997986
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [295.4375]
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 1.908336
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [293.625]
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 1.939667
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [296.34375]
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 1.906685
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [297.25]
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 1.920647
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Trying rotation center: [295.890625]
INFO:tomopy.recon.rotation:Function value = 1.906942
Reconstructing 1 slice groups with 1 master threads...

Reconstruct using the gridrec algorithm. Tomopy provides various reconstruction and provides wrappers for other libraries such as the ASTRA toolbox.

recon = tomopy.recon(proj, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm='gridrec', sinogram_order=False)
Reconstructing 2 slice groups with 2 master threads...

Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.

recon = tomopy.circ_mask(recon, axis=0, ratio=0.95)
plt.imshow(recon[0, :, :])
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