Source code for tomopy.prep.alignment

#!/usr/bin/env python
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import numpy as np
import concurrent.futures as cf
import tomopy.util.mproc as mproc
import logging

from skimage import transform as tf
from skimage.registration import phase_cross_correlation
from tomopy.recon.algorithm import recon
from tomopy.sim.project import project
from tomopy.misc.npmath import gauss1d, calc_affine_transform
from tomopy.util.misc import write_tiff
from scipy.signal import medfilt, medfilt2d
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from collections import namedtuple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = "Doga Gursoy, Chen Zhang, Nghia Vo"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016-19, UChicago Argonne, LLC."
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__all__ = ['align_seq',

[docs]def align_seq( prj, ang, fdir='.', iters=10, pad=(0, 0), blur=True, center=None, algorithm='sirt', upsample_factor=10, rin=0.5, rout=0.8, save=False, debug=True): """ Aligns the projection image stack using the sequential re-projection algorithm :cite:`Gursoy:17`. Parameters ---------- prj : ndarray 3D stack of projection images. The first dimension is projection axis, second and third dimensions are the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively. ang : ndarray Projection angles in radians as an array. iters : scalar, optional Number of iterations of the algorithm. pad : list-like, optional Padding for projection images in x and y-axes. blur : bool, optional Blurs the edge of the image before registration. center: array, optional Location of rotation axis. algorithm : {str, function} One of the following string values. 'art' Algebraic reconstruction technique :cite:`Kak:98`. 'gridrec' Fourier grid reconstruction algorithm :cite:`Dowd:99`, :cite:`Rivers:06`. 'mlem' Maximum-likelihood expectation maximization algorithm :cite:`Dempster:77`. 'sirt' Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique. 'tv' Total Variation reconstruction technique :cite:`Chambolle:11`. 'grad' Gradient descent method with a constant step size upsample_factor : integer, optional The upsampling factor. Registration accuracy is inversely propotional to upsample_factor. rin : scalar, optional The inner radius of blur function. Pixels inside rin is set to one. rout : scalar, optional The outer radius of blur function. Pixels outside rout is set to zero. save : bool, optional Saves projections and corresponding reconstruction for each algorithm iteration. debug : book, optional Provides debugging info such as iterations and error. Returns ------- ndarray 3D stack of projection images with jitter. ndarray Error array for each iteration. """ # Needs scaling for skimage float operations. prj, scl = scale(prj) # Shift arrays sx = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) sy = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) conv = np.zeros((iters)) # Pad images. npad = ((0, 0), (pad[1], pad[1]), (pad[0], pad[0])) prj = np.pad(prj, npad, mode='constant', constant_values=0) # Register each image frame-by-frame. for n in range(iters): # Reconstruct image. rec = recon(prj, ang, center=center, algorithm=algorithm) # Re-project data and obtain simulated data. sim = project(rec, ang, center=center, pad=False) # Blur edges. if blur: _prj = blur_edges(prj, rin, rout) _sim = blur_edges(sim, rin, rout) else: _prj = prj _sim = sim # Initialize error matrix per iteration. err = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) # For each projection for m in range(prj.shape[0]): # Register current projection in sub-pixel precision shift, error, diffphase = phase_cross_correlation( _prj[m], _sim[m], upsample_factor=upsample_factor) err[m] = np.sqrt(shift[0]*shift[0] + shift[1]*shift[1]) sx[m] += shift[0] sy[m] += shift[1] # Register current image with the simulated one tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift[1], shift[0])) prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=5) if debug: print('iter=' + str(n) + ', err=' + str(np.linalg.norm(err))) conv[n] = np.linalg.norm(err) if save: write_tiff(prj, fdir + '/tmp/iters/prj', n) write_tiff(sim, fdir + '/tmp/iters/sim', n) write_tiff(rec, fdir + '/tmp/iters/rec', n) # Re-normalize data prj *= scl return prj, sx, sy, conv
[docs]def align_joint( prj, ang, fdir='.', iters=10, pad=(0, 0), blur=True, center=None, algorithm='sirt', upsample_factor=10, rin=0.5, rout=0.8, save=False, debug=True): """ Aligns the projection image stack using the joint re-projection algorithm :cite:`Gursoy:17`. Parameters ---------- prj : ndarray 3D stack of projection images. The first dimension is projection axis, second and third dimensions are the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively. ang : ndarray Projection angles in radians as an array. iters : scalar, optional Number of iterations of the algorithm. pad : list-like, optional Padding for projection images in x and y-axes. blur : bool, optional Blurs the edge of the image before registration. center: array, optional Location of rotation axis. algorithm : {str, function} One of the following string values. 'art' Algebraic reconstruction technique :cite:`Kak:98`. 'gridrec' Fourier grid reconstruction algorithm :cite:`Dowd:99`, :cite:`Rivers:06`. 'mlem' Maximum-likelihood expectation maximization algorithm :cite:`Dempster:77`. 'sirt' Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique. 'tv' Total Variation reconstruction technique :cite:`Chambolle:11`. 'grad' Gradient descent method with a constant step size upsample_factor : integer, optional The upsampling factor. Registration accuracy is inversely propotional to upsample_factor. rin : scalar, optional The inner radius of blur function. Pixels inside rin is set to one. rout : scalar, optional The outer radius of blur function. Pixels outside rout is set to zero. save : bool, optional Saves projections and corresponding reconstruction for each algorithm iteration. debug : book, optional Provides debugging info such as iterations and error. Returns ------- ndarray 3D stack of projection images with jitter. ndarray Error array for each iteration. """ # Needs scaling for skimage float operations. prj, scl = scale(prj) # Shift arrays sx = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) sy = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) conv = np.zeros((iters)) # Pad images. npad = ((0, 0), (pad[1], pad[1]), (pad[0], pad[0])) prj = np.pad(prj, npad, mode='constant', constant_values=0) # Initialization of reconstruction. rec = 1e-12 * np.ones((prj.shape[1], prj.shape[2], prj.shape[2])) extra_kwargs = {} if algorithm != 'gridrec': extra_kwargs['num_iter'] = 1 # Register each image frame-by-frame. for n in range(iters): if np.mod(n, 1) == 0: _rec = rec # Reconstruct image. rec = recon(prj, ang, center=center, algorithm=algorithm, init_recon=_rec, **extra_kwargs) # Re-project data and obtain simulated data. sim = project(rec, ang, center=center, pad=False) # Blur edges. if blur: _prj = blur_edges(prj, rin, rout) _sim = blur_edges(sim, rin, rout) else: _prj = prj _sim = sim # Initialize error matrix per iteration. err = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) # For each projection for m in range(prj.shape[0]): # Register current projection in sub-pixel precision shift, error, diffphase = phase_cross_correlation( _prj[m], _sim[m], upsample_factor=upsample_factor) err[m] = np.sqrt(shift[0]*shift[0] + shift[1]*shift[1]) sx[m] += shift[0] sy[m] += shift[1] # Register current image with the simulated one tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift[1], shift[0])) prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=5) if debug: print('iter=' + str(n) + ', err=' + str(np.linalg.norm(err))) conv[n] = np.linalg.norm(err) if save: write_tiff(prj, 'tmp/iters/prj', n) write_tiff(sim, 'tmp/iters/sim', n) write_tiff(rec, 'tmp/iters/rec', n) # Re-normalize data prj *= scl return prj, sx, sy, conv
[docs]def tilt(obj, rad=0, phi=0): """ Tilt object at a given angle from the rotation axis. Warning ------- Not implemented yet. Parameters ---------- obj : ndarray 3D discrete object. rad : scalar, optional Radius in polar cordinates to define tilt angle. The value is between 0 and 1, where 0 means no tilt and 1 means a tilt of 90 degrees. The tilt angle can be obtained by arcsin(rad). phi : scalar, optional Angle in degrees to define tilt direction from the rotation axis. 0 degree means rotation in sagittal plane and 90 degree means rotation in coronal plane. Returns ------- ndarray Tilted 3D object. """ pass
[docs]def add_jitter(prj, low=0, high=1): """ Simulates jitter in projection images. The jitter is simulated by drawing random samples from a uniform distribution over the half-open interval [low, high). Parameters ---------- prj : ndarray 3D stack of projection images. The first dimension is projection axis, second and third dimensions are the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively. low : float, optional Lower boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be greater than or equal to low. The default value is 0. high : float Upper boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be less than high. The default value is 1.0. Returns ------- ndarray 3D stack of projection images with jitter. """ from skimage import transform as tf # Needs scaling for skimage float operations. prj, scl = scale(prj) # Random jitter parameters are drawn from uniform distribution. jitter = np.random.uniform(low, high, size=(prj.shape[0], 2)) for m in range(prj.shape[0]): tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=jitter[m]) prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=0) # Re-scale back to original values. prj *= scl return prj, jitter[:, 0], jitter[:, 1]
[docs]def add_noise(prj, ratio=0.05): """ Adds Gaussian noise with zero mean and a given standard deviation as a ratio of the maximum value in data. Parameters ---------- prj : ndarray 3D stack of projection images. The first dimension is projection axis, second and third dimensions are the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively. ratio : float, optional Ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise distribution to the maximum value in data. Returns ------- ndarray 3D stack of projection images with added Gaussian noise. """ std = prj.max() * ratio noise = np.random.normal(0, std, size=prj.shape) return prj + noise.astype('float32')
[docs]def scale(prj): """ Linearly scales the projection images in the range between -1 and 1. Parameters ---------- prj : ndarray 3D stack of projection images. The first dimension is projection axis, second and third dimensions are the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively. Returns ------- ndarray Scaled 3D stack of projection images. """ scl = max(abs(prj.max()), abs(prj.min())) prj /= scl return prj, scl
[docs]def blur_edges(prj, low=0, high=0.8): """ Blurs the edge of the projection images. Parameters ---------- prj : ndarray 3D stack of projection images. The first dimension is projection axis, second and third dimensions are the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively. low : scalar, optional Min ratio of the blurring frame to the image size. high : scalar, optional Max ratio of the blurring frame to the image size. Returns ------- ndarray Edge-blurred 3D stack of projection images. """ _prj = prj.copy() dx, dy, dz = _prj.shape rows, cols = np.mgrid[:dy, :dz] rad = np.sqrt((rows - dy / 2)**2 + (cols - dz / 2)**2) mask = np.zeros((dy, dz)) rmin, rmax = low * rad.max(), high * rad.max() mask[rad < rmin] = 1 mask[rad > rmax] = 0 zone = np.logical_and(rad >= rmin, rad <= rmax) mask[zone] = (rmax - rad[zone]) / (rmax - rmin) feathered = np.empty((dy, dz), dtype=np.uint8) _prj *= mask return _prj
[docs]def shift_images(prj, sx, sy): """ Shift projections images for a given set of shift values in horizontal and vertical directions. """ from skimage import transform as tf # Needs scaling for skimage float operations. prj, scl = scale(prj) # For each projection for m in range(prj.shape[0]): tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=(sy[m], sx[m])) prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=5) # Re-normalize data prj *= scl return prj
[docs]def find_slits_corners_aps_1id(img, method='quadrant+', medfilt2_kernel_size=3, medfilt_kernel_size=23, ): """ Automatically locate the slit box location by its four corners. NOTE: The four slits that form a binding box is the current setup at aps_1id, which reduce the illuminated region on the detector. Since the slits are stationary, they can serve as a reference to check detector drifting during the scan. Technically, the four slits should be used to find the transformation matrix (not necessarily affine) to correct the image. However, since we are dealing with 2D images with very little distortion, affine transformation matrices were used for approximation. Therefore the "four corners" are used instead of all four slits. Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray 2D images method : str, ['simple', 'quadrant', 'quadrant+'], optional method for auto detecting slit corners - simple :: assume a rectange slit box, fast but less accurate (1 pixel precision) - quadrant :: subdivide the image into four quandrant, then use an explicit method to find the corner (1 pixel precision) - quadrant+ :: similar to quadrant, but use curve_fit (gauss1d) to find the corner (0.1 pixel precision) medfilt2_kernel_size : int, optional 2D median filter kernel size for noise reduction medfilt_kernel_size : int, optional 1D median filter kernel size for noise reduction Returns ------- tuple autodetected slit corners (counter-clockwise order) (upperLeft, lowerLeft, lowerRight, upperRight) """ img = medfilt2d(np.log(img.astype(np.float64)), kernel_size=medfilt2_kernel_size, ) rows, cols = img.shape # simple method is simple, therefore it stands out if method.lower() == 'simple': # assuming a rectangle type slit box col_std = medfilt(np.std(img, axis=0), kernel_size=medfilt_kernel_size) row_std = medfilt(np.std(img, axis=1), kernel_size=medfilt_kernel_size) # NOTE: in the tiff img # x is col index, y is the row index ==> key point here !!! # img slicing is doen with img[row_idx, col_idx] # ==> so the image idx and corner position are FLIPPED! _left = np.argmax(np.gradient(col_std)) _right = np.argmin(np.gradient(col_std)) _top = np.argmax(np.gradient(row_std)) _bottom = np.argmin(np.gradient(row_std)) cnrs = np.array([[_left, _top], [_left, _bottom], [_right, _bottom], [_right, _top], ]) else: # predefine all quadrants # Here let's assume that the four corners of the slit box are in the # four quadrant defined by the center of the image # i.e. # uppper left quadrant: img[0 :cnt[1], 0 :cnt[0]] => quadarnt origin = (0, 0) # lower left quadrant: img[cnt[1]: , 0 :cnt[0]] => quadarnt origin = (cnt[0], 0) # lower right quadrant: img[cnt[1]: , cnt[0]: ] => quadarnt origin = (cnt[0], cnt[1]) # upper right quadrant: img[0 :cnt[1], cnt[0]: ] => quadarnt # origin = (0, cnt[1]) # center of image that defines FOUR quadrants cnt = [int(cols / 2), int(rows / 2)] Quadrant = namedtuple('Quadrant', 'img col_func, row_func') quadrants = [Quadrant(img=img[0:cnt[1], 0:cnt[0]], col_func=np.argmax, row_func=np.argmax), # upper left, 1st quadrant # lower left, 2nd quadrant Quadrant(img=img[cnt[1]:, 0:cnt[0]], col_func=np.argmax, row_func=np.argmin), # lower right, 3rd quadrant Quadrant(img=img[cnt[1]:, cnt[0]:], col_func=np.argmin, row_func=np.argmin), # upper right, 4th quadrant Quadrant(img=img[0:cnt[0], cnt[1]:], col_func=np.argmin, row_func=np.argmax), ] # the origin in each quadrants ==> easier to set it here quadrantorigins = np.array([[0, 0], # upper left, 1st quadrant [0, cnt[1]], # lower left, 2nd quadrant # lower right, 3rd quadrant [cnt[0], cnt[1]], [cnt[1], 0], # upper right, 4th quadrant ]) # init four corners cnrs = np.zeros((4, 2)) if method.lower() == 'quadrant': # the standard quadrant method for i, q in enumerate(quadrants): cnrs[i, :] = np.array([q.col_func(np.gradient(medfilt(np.std(q.img, axis=0), kernel_size=medfilt_kernel_size))), # x is col_idx q.row_func( np.gradient( medfilt( np.std( q.img, axis=1), kernel_size=medfilt_kernel_size))), # y is row_idx ]) # add the origin offset back cnrs = cnrs + quadrantorigins elif method.lower() == 'quadrant+': # use Gaussian curve fitting to achive subpixel precision # TODO: # improve the curve fitting with Lorentz and Voigt fitting function for i, q in enumerate(quadrants): # -- find x subpixel position cnr_x_guess = q.col_func( np.gradient( medfilt( np.std( q.img, axis=0), kernel_size=medfilt_kernel_size))) # isolate the strongest peak to fit tmpx = np.arange(cnr_x_guess - 10, cnr_x_guess + 11) tmpy = np.gradient(np.std(q.img, axis=0))[tmpx] # tmpy[0] is the value from the highest/lowest pixle # tmpx[0] is basically cnr_x_guess # 5.0 is the guessted std, coeff, _ = curve_fit(gauss1d, tmpx, tmpy, p0=[tmpy[0], tmpx[0], 5.0], maxfev=int(1e6), ) cnrs[i, 0] = coeff[1] # x position # -- find y subpixel positoin cnr_y_guess = q.row_func( np.gradient( medfilt( np.std( q.img, axis=1), kernel_size=medfilt_kernel_size))) # isolate the peak (x, y here is only associated with the peak) tmpx = np.arange(cnr_y_guess - 10, cnr_y_guess + 11) tmpy = np.gradient(np.std(q.img, axis=1))[tmpx] coeff, _ = curve_fit(gauss1d, tmpx, tmpy, p0=[tmpy[0], tmpx[0], 5.0], maxfev=int(1e6), ) cnrs[i, 1] = coeff[1] # y posiiton # add the quadrant shift back cnrs = cnrs + quadrantorigins else: raise NotImplementedError( "Available methods are: simple, quadrant, quadrant+") # return the slit corner detected return cnrs
[docs]def calc_slit_box_aps_1id(slit_box_corners, inclip=(1, 10, 1, 10)): """ Calculate the clip box based on given slip corners. Parameters ---------- slit_box_corners : np.ndarray Four corners of the slit box as a 4x2 matrix inclip : tuple, optional Extra inclipping to avoid clipping artifacts Returns ------- Tuple: Cliping indices as a tuple of four (clipFromTop, clipToBottom, clipFromLeft, clipToRight) """ return ( np.floor(slit_box_corners[:, 0].min()).astype( int) + inclip[0], # clip top row np.ceil(slit_box_corners[:, 0].max()).astype( int) - inclip[1], # clip bottom row np.floor(slit_box_corners[:, 1].min()).astype( int) + inclip[2], # clip left col np.ceil(slit_box_corners[:, 1].max()).astype( int) - inclip[3], # clip right col )
[docs]def remove_slits_aps_1id(imgstacks, slit_box_corners, inclip=(1, 10, 1, 10)): """ Remove the slits from still images Parameters ---------- imgstacks : np.ndarray tomopy images stacks (axis_0 is the oemga direction) slit_box_corners : np.ndarray four corners of the slit box inclip : tuple, optional Extra inclipping to avoid clipping artifacts Returns ------- np.ndarray tomopy images stacks without regions outside slits """ xl, xu, yl, yu = calc_slit_box_aps_1id(slit_box_corners, inclip=inclip) return imgstacks[:, yl:yu, xl:xu]
def detector_drift_adjust_aps_1id(imgstacks, slit_cnr_ref, medfilt2_kernel_size=3, medfilt_kernel_size=3, ncore=None, ): """ Adjust each still image based on the slit corners and generate report fig Parameters ---------- imgstacks : np.ndarray tomopy images stacks (axis_0 is the oemga direction) slit_cnr_ref : np.ndarray reference slit corners from white field images medfilt2_kernel_size : int, optional 2D median filter kernel size for slit conner detection medfilt_kernel_size : int, optional 1D median filter kernel size for slit conner detection ncore : int, optional number of cores used for speed up Returns ------- np.ndarray adjusted imgstacks np.ndarray detected corners on each still image np.ndarray transformation matrices used to adjust each image """ ncore = - 1 if ncore is None else ncore def quick_diff(x): return np.amax(np.absolute(x)) # -- find all projection corners (slow) # NOTE: # Here we are using an iterative approach to find stable slit corners # from each image # 1. calculate all slit corners with the given kernel size, preferably # a small one for speed. # 2. double the kernel size and calculate again, but this time we are # checking whether the slit corners are stable. # 3. find the ids (n_imgs) for those that are difficult, continue # increasing the kernel size until all slit corners are found, or max # number of iterations. # 4. move on to next step. nlist = range(imgstacks.shape[0]) proj_cnrs = _calc_proj_cnrs(imgstacks, ncore, nlist, 'quadrant+', medfilt2_kernel_size, medfilt_kernel_size, ) cnrs_found = np.array([quick_diff(proj_cnrs[n, :, :] - slit_cnr_ref) < 15 for n in nlist]) kernels = [(medfilt2_kernel_size+2*i, medfilt_kernel_size+2*j) for i in range(15) for j in range(15)] counter = 0 while not cnrs_found.all(): nlist = [idx for idx, cnr_found in enumerate(cnrs_found) if not cnr_found] # NOTE: # Check to see if we run out of candidate kernels: if counter > len(kernels): # we are giving up here... for idx, n_img in enumerate(nlist): proj_cnrs[n_img, :, :] = slit_cnr_ref break else: # test with differnt 2D and 1D kernels ks2d, ks1d = kernels[counter] _cnrs = _calc_proj_cnrs(imgstacks, ncore, nlist, 'quadrant+', ks2d, ks1d) for idx, _cnr in enumerate(_cnrs): n_img = nlist[idx] cnr = proj_cnrs[n_img, :, :] # previous results # NOTE: # The detector corner should not be far away from reference # -> adiff < 15 # The detected corner should be stable # -> rdiff < 0.1 (pixel)s adiff = quick_diff(_cnr - slit_cnr_ref) rdiff = quick_diff(_cnr - cnr) if rdiff < 0.1 and adiff < 15: cnrs_found[n_img] = True else: # update results proj_cnrs[n_img, :, :] = _cnr # update results for next iter # next counter += 1 # -- calculate affine transformation (fast) img_correct_F = np.ones((imgstacks.shape[0], 3, 3)) for n_img in range(imgstacks.shape[0]): img_correct_F[n_img, :, :] = calc_affine_transform( proj_cnrs[n_img, :, :], slit_cnr_ref) # -- apply affine transformation (slow) tmp = [] with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(ncore) as e: for n_img in range(imgstacks.shape[0]): tmp.append(e.submit(affine_transform, # input image imgstacks[n_img, :, :], # rotation matrix img_correct_F[n_img, 0:2, 0:2], # offset vector offset=img_correct_F[n_img, 0:2, 2], ) ) imgstacks = np.stack([me.result() for me in tmp], axis=0) return imgstacks, proj_cnrs, img_correct_F def _calc_proj_cnrs(imgs, ncore, nlist, method, medfilt2_kernel_size, medfilt_kernel_size, ): """ Private function calculate slit corners concurrently Parameters ---------- imgs : ndarray tomopy images stacks (axis_0 is the oemga direction) ncore : int number of cores to use nlist : list of int index of images to be processed method : str slit corner detection method name medfilt2_kernel_size : int 2D median filter kernel size, must be odd medfilt_kernel_size : int 1D median filter kernel size, must be odd Returns ------- np.3darray detected corners on each still image """ tmp = [] with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(ncore) as e: for n_img in nlist: tmp.append(e.submit(find_slits_corners_aps_1id, imgs[n_img, :, :], method=method, medfilt2_kernel_size=medfilt2_kernel_size, medfilt_kernel_size=medfilt_kernel_size, ) ) return np.stack([me.result() for me in tmp], axis=0)
[docs]def distortion_correction_proj(tomo, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Apply distortion correction to projections using the polynomial model. Coefficients are calculated using Vounwarp package :cite:`Vo:15`. .. versionadded:: 1.7 Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. From the left of the image. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. From the top of the image. list_fact : list of floats Polynomial coefficients of the backward model. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ arr = mproc.distribute_jobs( tomo, func=_distortion_correction_proj, args=(xcenter, ycenter, list_fact), axis=0, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _unwarp_image_backward(mat, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact): """ Unwarp an image using the polynomial model. Parameters ---------- mat : 2D array. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. From the left of the image. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. From the top of the image. list_fact : list of floats Polynomial coefficients of the backward model. Returns ------- 2D array Corrected image. """ (height, width) = mat.shape xu_list = np.arange(width) - xcenter yu_list = np.arange(height) - ycenter xu_mat, yu_mat = np.meshgrid(xu_list, yu_list) ru_mat = np.sqrt(xu_mat**2 + yu_mat**2) fact_mat = np.sum( np.asarray([factor * ru_mat**i for i, factor in enumerate(list_fact)]), axis=0) xd_mat = np.float32(np.clip(xcenter + fact_mat * xu_mat, 0, width - 1)) yd_mat = np.float32(np.clip(ycenter + fact_mat * yu_mat, 0, height - 1)) indices = np.reshape(yd_mat, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(xd_mat, (-1, 1)) mat = map_coordinates(mat, indices, order=1, mode='reflect') return mat.reshape((height, width)) def _distortion_correction_proj(tomo, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact): for m in np.arange(tomo.shape[0]): proj = tomo[m, :, :] proj = _unwarp_image_backward(proj, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact) tomo[m, :, :] = proj
[docs]def distortion_correction_sino(tomo, ind, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact): """ Generate an unwarped sinogram of a 3D tomographic data using the polynomial model. Coefficients are calculated using Vounwarp package :cite:`Vo:15`. .. versionadded:: 1.7 Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. ind : int Index of the unwarped sinogram. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. From the left of the image. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. From the top of the image. list_fact : list of floats Polynomial coefficients of the backward model. Returns ------- 2D array Corrected sinogram. """ (depth, height, width) = tomo.shape xu_list = np.arange(0, width) - xcenter yu = ind - ycenter ru_list = np.sqrt(xu_list**2 + yu**2) flist = np.sum( np.asarray([factor * ru_list**i for i, factor in enumerate(list_fact)]), axis=0) xd_list = np.clip(xcenter + flist * xu_list, 0, width - 1) yd_list = np.clip(ycenter + flist * yu, 0, height - 1) yd_min = np.int16(np.floor(np.amin(yd_list))) yd_max = np.int16(np.ceil(np.amax(yd_list))) + 1 yd_list = yd_list - yd_min sino = np.zeros((depth, width), dtype=np.float32) indices = yd_list, xd_list for i in np.arange(depth): sino[i] = map_coordinates( tomo[i, yd_min:yd_max, :], indices, order=1, mode='reflect') return sino
[docs]def load_distortion_coefs(file_path): """ Load distortion coefficients from a text file. Order of the infor in the text file: xcenter ycenter factor_0 factor_1 factor_2 .. Parameters ---------- file_path: Path to the file. Returns ------- Tuple of (xcenter, ycenter, list_fact). """ with open(file_path, 'r') as f: x = list_data = [] for i in x: list_data.append(float(i.split()[-1])) xcenter = list_data[0] ycenter = list_data[1] list_fact = list_data[2:] return xcenter, ycenter, list_fact