Source code for tomopy.prep.stripe

#!/usr/bin/env python
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Module for pre-processing tasks.

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import numpy as np
import pywt
import tomopy.util.extern as extern
import tomopy.util.mproc as mproc
import tomopy.util.dtype as dtype
from tomopy.util.misc import (fft, ifft, fft2, ifft2)
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter
from scipy import signal
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter1d
from scipy import interpolate
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = "Doga Gursoy, Eduardo X. Miqueles, Nghia Vo"
__credits__ = "Juan V. Bermudez, Hugo H. Slepicka"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2015, UChicago Argonne, LLC."
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__all__ = [

[docs]def remove_stripe_fw(tomo, level=None, wname='db5', sigma=2, pad=True, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Remove horizontal stripes from sinogram using the Fourier-Wavelet (FW) based method :cite:`Munch:09`. Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. level : int, optional Number of discrete wavelet transform levels. wname : str, optional Type of the wavelet filter. 'haar', 'db5', sym5', etc. sigma : float, optional Damping parameter in Fourier space. pad : bool, optional If True, extend the size of the sinogram by padding with zeros. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ if level is None: size = np.max(tomo.shape) level = int(np.ceil(np.log2(size))) arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=_remove_stripe_fw, args=(level, wname, sigma, pad), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _remove_stripe_fw(tomo, level, wname, sigma, pad): dx, dy, dz = tomo.shape nx = dx if pad: nx = dx + dx // 8 xshift = int((nx - dx) // 2) num_jobs = tomo.shape[1] for m in range(num_jobs): sli = np.zeros((nx, dz), dtype='float32') sli[xshift:dx + xshift] = tomo[:, m, :] # Wavelet decomposition. cH = [] cV = [] cD = [] for n in range(level): sli, (cHt, cVt, cDt) = pywt.dwt2(sli, wname) cH.append(cHt) cV.append(cVt) cD.append(cDt) # FFT transform of horizontal frequency bands. for n in range(level): # FFT fcV = np.fft.fftshift(fft(cV[n], axis=0, extra_info=num_jobs)) my, mx = fcV.shape # Damping of ring artifact information. y_hat = (np.arange(-my, my, 2, dtype='float32') + 1) / 2 damp = -np.expm1(-np.square(y_hat) / (2 * np.square(sigma))) fcV *= np.transpose(np.tile(damp, (mx, 1))) # Inverse FFT. cV[n] = np.real( ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(fcV), axis=0, extra_info=num_jobs)) # Wavelet reconstruction. for n in range(level)[::-1]: sli = sli[0:cH[n].shape[0], 0:cH[n].shape[1]] sli = pywt.idwt2((sli, (cH[n], cV[n], cD[n])), wname) tomo[:, m, :] = sli[xshift:dx + xshift, 0:dz]
[docs]def remove_stripe_ti(tomo, nblock=0, alpha=1.5, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Remove horizontal stripes from sinogram using Titarenko's approach :cite:`Miqueles:14`. Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. nblock : int, optional Number of blocks. alpha : int, optional Damping factor. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=_remove_stripe_ti, args=(nblock, alpha), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _remove_stripe_ti(tomo, nblock, alpha): for m in range(tomo.shape[1]): sino = tomo[:, m, :] if nblock == 0: d1 = _ring(sino, 1, 1) d2 = _ring(sino, 2, 1) p = d1 * d2 d = np.sqrt(p + alpha * np.abs(p.min())) else: size = int(sino.shape[0] / nblock) d1 = _ringb(sino, 1, 1, size) d2 = _ringb(sino, 2, 1, size) p = d1 * d2 d = np.sqrt(p + alpha * np.fabs(p.min())) tomo[:, m, :] = d def _kernel(m, n): v = [ [ np.array([1, -1]), np.array([-3 / 2, 2, -1 / 2]), np.array([-11 / 6, 3, -3 / 2, 1 / 3]), ], [ np.array([-1, 2, -1]), np.array([2, -5, 4, -1]), ], [ np.array([-1, 3, -3, 1]), ], ] return v[m - 1][n - 1] def _ringMatXvec(h, x): s = np.convolve(x, np.flipud(h)) u = s[np.size(h) - 1:np.size(x)] y = np.convolve(u, h) return y def _ringCGM(h, alpha, f): x0 = np.zeros(np.size(f)) r = f - (_ringMatXvec(h, x0) + alpha * x0) w = -r z = _ringMatXvec(h, w) + alpha * w a =, w) /, z) x = x0 +, w) B = 0 for i in range(1000000): r = r -, z) if np.linalg.norm(r) < 0.0000001: break B =, z) /, z) w = -r +, w) z = _ringMatXvec(h, w) + alpha * w a =, w) /, z) x = x +, w) return x def _get_parameter(x): return 1 / (2 * (x.sum(0).max() - x.sum(0).min())) def _ring(sino, m, n): mysino = np.transpose(sino) R = np.size(mysino, 0) N = np.size(mysino, 1) # Remove NaN. pos = np.where(np.isnan(mysino) is True) mysino[pos] = 0 # Parameter. alpha = _get_parameter(mysino) # Mathematical correction. pp = mysino.mean(1) h = _kernel(m, n) f = -_ringMatXvec(h, pp) q = _ringCGM(h, alpha, f) # Update sinogram. q.shape = (R, 1) K = np.kron(q, np.ones((1, N))) new = np.add(mysino, K) newsino = new.astype(np.float32) return np.transpose(newsino) def _ringb(sino, m, n, step): mysino = np.transpose(sino) R = np.size(mysino, 0) N = np.size(mysino, 1) # Remove NaN. pos = np.where(np.isnan(mysino) is True) mysino[pos] = 0 # Kernel & regularization parameter. h = _kernel(m, n) # Mathematical correction by blocks. nblock = int(N / step) new = np.ones((R, N)) for k in range(0, nblock): sino_block = mysino[:, k * step:(k + 1) * step] alpha = _get_parameter(sino_block) pp = sino_block.mean(1) f = -_ringMatXvec(h, pp) q = _ringCGM(h, alpha, f) # Update sinogram. q.shape = (R, 1) K = np.kron(q, np.ones((1, step))) new[:, k * step:(k + 1) * step] = np.add(sino_block, K) newsino = new.astype(np.float32) return np.transpose(newsino)
[docs]def remove_stripe_sf(tomo, size=5, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Normalize raw projection data using a smoothing filter approach. Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. size : int, optional Size of the smoothing filter. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo) arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=extern.c_remove_stripe_sf, args=(size,), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
[docs]def remove_stripe_based_sorting(tomo, size=None, dim=1, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Remove full and partial stripe artifacts from sinogram using Nghia Vo's approach :cite:`Vo:18` (algorithm 3). Suitable for removing partial stripes. Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. size : int Window size of the median filter. dim : {1, 2}, optional Dimension of the window. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=_remove_stripe_based_sorting, args=(size, dim), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _create_matindex(nrow, ncol): """ Create a 2D array of indexes used for the sorting technique. """ listindex = np.arange(0.0, ncol, 1.0) matindex = np.tile(listindex, (nrow, 1)) return matindex def _rs_sort(sinogram, size, matindex, dim): """ Remove stripes using the sorting technique. """ sinogram = np.transpose(sinogram) matcomb = np.asarray(np.dstack((matindex, sinogram))) matsort = np.asarray([row[row[:, 1].argsort()] for row in matcomb]) if dim == 1: matsort[:, :, 1] = median_filter(matsort[:, :, 1], (size, 1)) else: matsort[:, :, 1] = median_filter(matsort[:, :, 1], (size, size)) matsortback = np.asarray([row[row[:, 0].argsort()] for row in matsort]) sino_corrected = matsortback[:, :, 1] return np.transpose(sino_corrected) def _remove_stripe_based_sorting(tomo, size, dim): matindex = _create_matindex(tomo.shape[2], tomo.shape[0]) if size is None: if tomo.shape[2] > 2000: size = 21 else: size = max(5, int(0.01 * tomo.shape[2])) for m in range(tomo.shape[1]): sino = tomo[:, m, :] tomo[:, m, :] = _rs_sort(sino, size, matindex, dim)
[docs]def remove_stripe_based_filtering(tomo, sigma=3, size=None, dim=1, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Remove stripe artifacts from sinogram using Nghia Vo's approach :cite:`Vo:18` (algorithm 2). Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. sigma : float Sigma of the Gaussian window which is used to separate the low-pass and high-pass components of the intensity profiles of each column. Recommended values: 3->10. size : int Window size of the median filter. dim : {1, 2}, optional Dimension of the window. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=_remove_stripe_based_filtering, args=(sigma, size, dim), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _create_1d_window(ncol, sigma, pad): window = + 2 * pad, std=sigma) return window def _create_listsign(ncol, pad): listsign = np.power(-1.0, np.arange(ncol + 2 * pad)) return listsign def _rs_filter(sinogram, window, listsign, size, dim, pad): """ Remove stripes using the filtering technique. """ sinogram = np.transpose(sinogram) padded_sino = np.pad(sinogram, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='reflect') (nrow, ncol) = padded_sino.shape sinosmooth = np.zeros_like(sinogram) for i, sinolist in enumerate(padded_sino): sinosmooth[i] = np.real( ifft(fft(sinolist * listsign) * window) * listsign)[pad:ncol - pad] sinosharp = sinogram - sinosmooth matindex = _create_matindex(nrow, ncol - 2 * pad) sinosmooth_cor = np.transpose( _rs_sort(np.transpose(sinosmooth), size, matindex, dim)) return np.transpose(sinosmooth_cor + sinosharp) def _remove_stripe_based_filtering(tomo, sigma, size, dim): pad = min(150, int(0.1 * tomo.shape[0])) window = _create_1d_window(tomo.shape[0], sigma, pad) listsign = _create_listsign(tomo.shape[0], pad) if size is None: if tomo.shape[2] > 2000: size = 21 else: size = max(5, int(0.01 * tomo.shape[2])) for m in range(tomo.shape[1]): sino = tomo[:, m, :] tomo[:, m, :] = _rs_filter(sino, window, listsign, size, dim, pad)
[docs]def remove_stripe_based_fitting(tomo, order=3, sigma=(5, 20), ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Remove stripe artifacts from sinogram using Nghia Vo's approach :cite:`Vo:18` (algorithm 1). Suitable for removing low-pass stripes. Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. order : int Polynomial fit order. Recommended values: 1-> 5 sigma : tuple of 2 floats Sigmas of a 2D Gaussian window in x and y direction. Recommended values (3, 20) -> (10, 60). ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=_remove_stripe_based_fitting, args=(order, sigma), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _create_2d_window(nrow, ncol, sigma, pad): """ Create a 2D Gaussian window. Parameters ---------- nrow : int Height of the window. ncol: int Width of the window. sigma: tuple of 2 floats Sigmas of the window. pad : int Padding. Returns ------- 2D array. """ (sigmax, sigmay) = sigma height = nrow + 2 * pad width = ncol + 2 * pad centerx = (width - 1.0) / 2.0 centery = (height - 1.0) / 2.0 y, x = np.ogrid[-centery:height - centery, -centerx:width - centerx] numx = 2.0 * sigmax * sigmax numy = 2.0 * sigmay * sigmay win2d = np.exp(-(x * x / numx + y * y / numy)) return win2d def _create_matsign(nrow, ncol, pad): listx = 1.0 * np.arange(0, ncol + 2 * pad) listy = 1.0 * np.arange(0, nrow + 2 * pad) x, y = np.meshgrid(listx, listy) matsign = np.power(-1.0, x + y) return matsign def _2d_filter(mat, win2d, matsign, pad): """ Filtering an image using a 2D window. Parameters ---------- mat : 2D array of floats nrow : int Height of the window. ncol: int Width of the window. sigma: tuple of 2 floats Sigmas of the window. pad : int Padding. Returns ------- Filtered image. """ matpad = np.pad(mat, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='edge') matpad = np.pad(matpad, ((pad, pad), (0, 0)), mode='mean') (nrow, ncol) = matpad.shape matfilter = np.real(ifft2(fft2(matpad * matsign) * win2d) * matsign) return matfilter[pad:nrow - pad, pad:ncol - pad] def _rs_fit(sinogram, order, win2d, matsign, pad): """ Remove stripes using the fitting technique. """ (nrow, _) = sinogram.shape nrow1 = nrow if nrow1 % 2 == 0: nrow1 = nrow1 - 1 if order >= nrow1: order = nrow1 - 1 sinofit = savgol_filter(sinogram, nrow1, order, axis=0, mode='mirror') sinofitsmooth = _2d_filter(sinofit, win2d, matsign, pad) num1 = np.mean(sinofit) num2 = np.mean(sinofitsmooth) sinofitsmooth = num1 * sinofitsmooth / num2 return sinogram / sinofit * sinofitsmooth def _remove_stripe_based_fitting(tomo, order, sigma): nrow = tomo.shape[0] ncol = tomo.shape[2] pad = min(150, int(0.1 * nrow)) win2d = _create_2d_window(nrow, ncol, sigma, pad) matsign = _create_matsign(nrow, ncol, pad) for m in range(tomo.shape[1]): sino = tomo[:, m, :] tomo[:, m, :] = _rs_fit(sino, order, win2d, matsign, pad)
[docs]def remove_large_stripe(tomo, snr=3, size=51, drop_ratio=0.1, norm=True, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Remove large stripe artifacts from sinogram using Nghia Vo's approach :cite:`Vo:18` (algorithm 5). Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. snr : float Ratio used to locate of large stripes. Greater is less sensitive. size : int Window size of the median filter. drop_ratio : float, optional Ratio of pixels to be dropped, which is used to reduce the false detection of stripes. norm : bool, optional Apply normalization if True. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=_remove_large_stripe, args=(snr, size, drop_ratio, norm), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _detect_stripe(listdata, snr): """ Algorithm 4 in :cite:`Vo:18`. Used to locate stripes. """ numdata = len(listdata) listsorted = np.sort(listdata)[::-1] xlist = np.arange(0, numdata, 1.0) ndrop = np.int16(0.25 * numdata) (_slope, _intercept) = np.polyfit(xlist[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], listsorted[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], 1) numt1 = _intercept + _slope * xlist[-1] noiselevel = np.abs(numt1 - _intercept) noiselevel = np.clip(noiselevel, 1e-6, None) val1 = np.abs(listsorted[0] - _intercept) / noiselevel val2 = np.abs(listsorted[-1] - numt1) / noiselevel listmask = np.zeros_like(listdata) if (val1 >= snr): upper_thresh = _intercept + noiselevel * snr * 0.5 listmask[listdata > upper_thresh] = 1.0 if (val2 >= snr): lower_thresh = numt1 - noiselevel * snr * 0.5 listmask[listdata <= lower_thresh] = 1.0 return listmask def _rs_large(sinogram, snr, size, matindex, drop_ratio=0.1, norm=True): """ Remove large stripes. """ drop_ratio = np.clip(drop_ratio, 0.0, 0.8) (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape ndrop = int(0.5 * drop_ratio * nrow) sinosort = np.sort(sinogram, axis=0) sinosmooth = median_filter(sinosort, (1, size)) list1 = np.mean(sinosort[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0) list2 = np.mean(sinosmooth[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0) listfact = np.divide(list1, list2, out=np.ones_like(list1), where=list2 != 0) # Locate stripes listmask = _detect_stripe(listfact, snr) listmask = binary_dilation(listmask, iterations=1).astype(listmask.dtype) matfact = np.tile(listfact, (nrow, 1)) # Normalize if norm is True: sinogram = sinogram / matfact sinogram1 = np.transpose(sinogram) matcombine = np.asarray(np.dstack((matindex, sinogram1))) matsort = np.asarray([row[row[:, 1].argsort()] for row in matcombine]) matsort[:, :, 1] = np.transpose(sinosmooth) matsortback = np.asarray([row[row[:, 0].argsort()] for row in matsort]) sino_corrected = np.transpose(matsortback[:, :, 1]) listxmiss = np.where(listmask > 0.0)[0] sinogram[:, listxmiss] = sino_corrected[:, listxmiss] return sinogram def _remove_large_stripe(tomo, snr, size, drop_ratio, norm): matindex = _create_matindex(tomo.shape[2], tomo.shape[0]) for m in range(tomo.shape[1]): sino = tomo[:, m, :] tomo[:, m, :] = _rs_large(sino, snr, size, matindex, drop_ratio, norm)
[docs]def remove_dead_stripe(tomo, snr=3, size=51, norm=True, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Remove unresponsive and fluctuating stripe artifacts from sinogram using Nghia Vo's approach :cite:`Vo:18` (algorithm 6). Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. snr : float Ratio used to detect locations of large stripes. Greater is less sensitive. size : int Window size of the median filter. norm : bool, optional Remove residual stripes if True. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=_remove_dead_stripe, args=(snr, size, norm), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _rs_dead(sinogram, snr, size, matindex, norm=True): """ Remove unresponsive and fluctuating stripes. """ sinogram = np.copy(sinogram) # Make it mutable (nrow, _) = sinogram.shape sinosmooth = np.apply_along_axis(uniform_filter1d, 0, sinogram, 10) listdiff = np.sum(np.abs(sinogram - sinosmooth), axis=0) listdiffbck = median_filter(listdiff, size) listfact = np.divide(listdiff, listdiffbck, out=np.ones_like(listdiff), where=listdiffbck != 0) listmask = _detect_stripe(listfact, snr) listmask = binary_dilation(listmask, iterations=1).astype(listmask.dtype) listmask[0:2] = 0.0 listmask[-2:] = 0.0 listx = np.where(listmask < 1.0)[0] listy = np.arange(nrow) matz = sinogram[:, listx] finter = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(listy, listx, matz, kx=1, ky=1) listxmiss = np.where(listmask > 0.0)[0] if len(listxmiss) > 0: matxmiss, maty = np.meshgrid(listxmiss, listy) output = finter.ev(np.ndarray.flatten(maty), np.ndarray.flatten(matxmiss)) sinogram[:, listxmiss] = output.reshape(matxmiss.shape) # Remove residual stripes if norm is True: sinogram = _rs_large(sinogram, snr, size, matindex) return sinogram def _remove_dead_stripe(tomo, snr, size, norm): matindex = _create_matindex(tomo.shape[2], tomo.shape[0]) for m in range(tomo.shape[1]): sino = tomo[:, m, :] tomo[:, m, :] = _rs_dead(sino, snr, size, matindex, norm)
[docs]def remove_all_stripe(tomo, snr=3, la_size=61, sm_size=21, dim=1, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Remove all types of stripe artifacts from sinogram using Nghia Vo's approach :cite:`Vo:18` (combination of algorithm 3,4,5, and 6). Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. snr : float Ratio used to locate large stripes. Greater is less sensitive. la_size : int Window size of the median filter to remove large stripes. sm_size : int Window size of the median filter to remove small-to-medium stripes. dim : {1, 2}, optional Dimension of the window. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=_remove_all_stripe, args=(snr, la_size, sm_size, dim), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _remove_all_stripe(tomo, snr, la_size, sm_size, dim): matindex = _create_matindex(tomo.shape[2], tomo.shape[0]) for m in range(tomo.shape[1]): sino = tomo[:, m, :] sino = _rs_dead(sino, snr, la_size, matindex) sino = _rs_sort(sino, sm_size, matindex, dim) tomo[:, m, :] = sino
[docs]def remove_stripe_based_interpolation(tomo, snr=3, size=31, drop_ratio=0.1, norm=True, ncore=None, nchunk=None): """ Remove most types of stripe artifacts from sinograms based on interpolation. Derived from algorithm 4, 5, and 6 in :cite:`Vo:18`. .. versionadded:: 1.9 Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data. snr : float Ratio used to segment between useful information and noise. size : int Window size of the median filter used to detect stripes. drop_ratio : float, optional Ratio of pixels to be dropped, which is used to to reduce the possibility of the false detection of stripes. norm : bool, optional Apply normalization if True. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. nchunk : int, optional Chunk size for each core. Returns ------- ndarray Corrected 3D tomographic data. """ arr = mproc.distribute_jobs(tomo, func=_remove_stripe_based_interpolation, args=(snr, size, drop_ratio, norm), axis=1, ncore=ncore, nchunk=nchunk) return arr
def _rs_interpolation(sinogram, snr, size, drop_ratio=0.1, norm=True): """ Remove stripe artifacts based on interpolation. """ drop_ratio = np.clip(drop_ratio, 0.0, 0.8) sinogram = np.copy(sinogram) (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape ndrop = int(0.5 * drop_ratio * nrow) sinosort = np.sort(sinogram, axis=0) sinosmooth = median_filter(sinosort, (1, size)) list1 = np.mean(sinosort[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0) list2 = np.mean(sinosmooth[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0) listfact = np.divide(list1, list2, out=np.ones_like(list1), where=list2 != 0) listmask = _detect_stripe(listfact, snr) listmask = np.float32(binary_dilation(listmask, iterations=1)) matfact = np.tile(listfact, (nrow, 1)) if norm is True: sinogram = sinogram / matfact listmask[0:2] = 0.0 listmask[-2:] = 0.0 listx = np.where(listmask < 1.0)[0] listy = np.arange(nrow) matz = sinogram[:, listx] finter = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(listy, listx, matz, kx=1, ky=1) listxmiss = np.where(listmask > 0.0)[0] if len(listxmiss) > 0: matxmiss, maty = np.meshgrid(listxmiss, listy) output = finter.ev(np.ndarray.flatten(maty), np.ndarray.flatten(matxmiss)) sinogram[:, listxmiss] = output.reshape(matxmiss.shape) return sinogram def _remove_stripe_based_interpolation(tomo, snr, size, drop_ratio, norm): for m in range(tomo.shape[1]): sino = tomo[:, m, :] sino = _rs_interpolation(sino, snr, size, drop_ratio, norm) tomo[:, m, :] = sino
[docs]def stripes_detect3d(tomo, size=10, radius=3, ncore=None): """ Detect stripes in a 3D array. Usually applied to normalized projection data. The algorithm is presented in the paper :cite:`Kazantsev:23`. The method works with full and partial stripes of constant ot varying intensity. .. versionadded:: 1.14 Parameters ---------- tomo : ndarray 3D tomographic data of float32 data type, preferably in the [0, 1] range, although reasonable deviations accepted (e.g. the result of the normalization and the negative log taken of the raw data). The projection data should be given with [angle, detY(depth), detX(horizontal)] axis orientation. With this orientation, the stripes are features along the angle axis. size : int, optional The pixel size of the 1D median filter orthogonal to stripes orientation to minimise false detections. Increase it if you have longer or full stripes in the data. radius : int, optional The pixel size of the 3D stencil to calculate the mean ratio between the angular and detX orientations of the detX gradient. The larger values can affect the width of the detected stripe, use 1,2,3 values. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. All cores will be used if unspecified. Returns ------- ndarray Weights in the range of [0, 1] of float32 data type where stripe's edges are highlighted with the smaller (e.g. < 0.5) values. The weights can be manually thresholded or passed to stripes_mask3d function for further processing and a binary mask generation. Raises ------ ValueError If the `tomo` is not three dimensional. If the `size` is invalid. """ if ncore is None: ncore = input_type = tomo.dtype if (input_type != 'float32'): tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo) # silent convertion to float32 data type out = np.empty_like(tomo, order='C') if tomo.ndim == 3: dz, dy, dx = tomo.shape if (dz == 0) or (dy == 0) or (dx == 0): msg = "The length of one of dimensions is equal to zero" raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = "The input array must be a 3D array" raise ValueError(msg) if size <= 0 or size > dz // 2: msg = ("The size of the filter should be larger than zero " "and smaller than the half of the vertical dimension") raise ValueError(msg) # perform stripes detection extern.c_stripes_detect3d(np.ascontiguousarray(tomo), out, size, radius, ncore, dx, dy, dz) return out
[docs]def stripes_mask3d(weights, threshold=0.6, min_stripe_length=20, min_stripe_depth=10, min_stripe_width=5, sensitivity_perc=85.0, ncore=None): """ Takes the result of the stripes_detect3d module as an input and generates a binary 3D mask with ones where stripes present. The method tries to eliminate non-stripe features in data by checking the consistency of weights in three directions. The algorithm is presented in the paper :cite:`Kazantsev:23`. .. versionadded:: 1.14 Parameters ---------- weights : ndarray 3D weights array, a result of stripes_detect3d module given in [angles, detY(depth), detX] axis orientation. threshold : float, optional Threshold for the given weights. This parameter defines what weights will be considered as potential candidates for stripes. The lower value (< 0.5) will result in only the most prominent stripes in the data. Increase the threshold cautiously because increasing the threshold increases the probability of false detections. The good range to try is between 0.5 and 0.7. min_stripe_length : int, optional Minimum length of a stripe in pixels with respect to the "angles" axis. If there are full stripes in the data, then this could be >50% of the size of the the "angles" axis. min_stripe_depth : int, optional Minimum depth of a stripe in pixels with respect to the "detY" axis. The stripes do not extend very deep normally in the data. By setting this parameter to the approximate depth of the stripe more false alarms can be removed. min_stripe_width : int, optional Minimum width of a stripe in pixels with respect to the "detX" axis. The stripes that close to each other can be merged together with this parameter. sensitivity_perc : float, optional The value in the range [0, 100] that controls the strictness of the minimum length, depth and width parameters of a stripe. 0 is less-strict. 100 is more-strict. ncore : int, optional Number of cores that will be assigned to jobs. All cores will be used if unspecified. Returns ------- ndarray A binary mask of bool data type with stripes highlighted as True values. Raises ------ ValueError If the input array is not three dimensional. If a min_stripe_length parameter is negative, zero or longer than its corresponding dimension ("angle") If a min_stripe_depth parameter is negative or longer than its corresponding dimension ("detY") If a min_stripe_width parameter is negative, zero or longer than its corresponding dimension ("detX") If a sensitivity_perc parameter doesn't lie in the (0,100] range """ if ncore is None: ncore = input_type = weights.dtype if (input_type != 'float32'): weights = dtype.as_float32( weights) # silent convertion to float32 data type out = np.zeros(np.shape(weights), dtype=bool, order='C') if weights.ndim == 3: dz, dy, dx = weights.shape if (dz == 0) or (dy == 0) or (dx == 0): msg = "The length of one of dimensions is equal to zero" raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = "The input array must be a 3D array" raise ValueError(msg) if min_stripe_length <= 0 or min_stripe_length >= dz: msg = ("The minimum length of a stripe cannot be zero " "or exceed the size of the angular dimension") raise ValueError(msg) if min_stripe_depth < 0 or min_stripe_depth >= dy: msg = ("The minimum depth of a stripe cannot exceed " "the size of the depth dimension") raise ValueError(msg) if min_stripe_width <= 0 or min_stripe_width >= dx: msg = ("The minimum width of a stripe cannot be zero " "or exceed the size of the horizontal dimension") raise ValueError(msg) if 0.0 < sensitivity_perc <= 100.0: pass else: msg = "sensitivity_perc value must be in (0, 100] percentage range" raise ValueError(msg) # perform mask creation based on the input provided by stripes_detect3d module extern.c_stripesmask3d( np.ascontiguousarray(weights), out, threshold, min_stripe_length, min_stripe_depth, min_stripe_width, sensitivity_perc, ncore, dx, dy, dz, ) return out